Nola SuperBowl Spades

Spades rules:
Cookout Spades Format- Ace High
Most Wins for first 2 Hours. Top 12 Teams advance to a 12 team playoff. Single Elimination. You can buy back in for $25 per person
Most wins gets $1,000
Playoff Champion gets $1,500
2nd place gets $500
- First team to 350 points, wins
- Bid Every Hand
- Bid w/ partner (One person opens and one person closes)
- Must bid at least board
- Board is 4
- Locked bid. (once you bid there is no going up or down)
- 2 Sets is Game
- Bid 10 +/-150 points
- Spades can lead at anytime.
- Winning any hand during any match with a Boston is not game. Bidding a Boston is 200 points.
- You are allowed to say "a possible"
- First Diamond deals to start a new game
- Players will use a card to mark the cut. Dealers will cut the cards accordingly.
- Dealer must get last card or the hand will be considered a misdeal
- Dealer cannot flip any cards
- Dealer can NOT show bottom card before or while dealing.
- 2 decks of cards will be used for each game.
- Players can NOT pick up their hand until the dealer is finished dealing.
- No spades + no face cards = Bad Luck (you still have to play)
- You must count your cards once the dealer is finished dealing. If you are missing a card at the end of the hand then you are set.
- Renege= Automatic set for that hand. (Renege a 2nd time and your team forfeits the tournament)
- Reneges must be called as soon as its noticed. (Do NOT wait until the end of the hand.)
- Must Notify staff when calling a renege
- If calling a renege, you do not have to choose the specific book. You can flip all books over. However, if you are wrong then you lose 3 books. I
- Talking across the board = minus 3 books
- Any team caught cheating will be disqualified
- No phones on table top. (No points are taken for this rule)
- No discussing current or future strategies
- Break any rule before you bid and you lose 30 points. Break any rule after you bid and you lose 3 books.
Decisions will be made the the facilitator of the tournament.