Nola SuperBowl Spades

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Spades rules:

Cookout Spades Format- Ace High

Most Wins for first 2 Hours. Top 12 Teams advance to a 12 team playoff. Single Elimination. You can buy back in for $25 per person

Most wins gets $1,000

Playoff Champion gets $1,500

2nd place gets $500

Game Play

  1. First team to 350 points, wins 
  2. Bid Every Hand
  3. Bid w/ partner (One person opens and one person closes)
  4. Must bid at least board 
  5. Board is 4
  6. Locked bid. (once you bid there is no going up or down)
  7. 2 Sets is Game
  8. Bid 10 +/-150 points
  9. Spades can lead at anytime.
  10. Winning any hand during any match with a Boston is not game. Bidding a Boston is 200 points.
  11. You are allowed to say "a possible"



  1. First Diamond deals to start a new game
  2. Players will use a card to mark the cut. Dealers will cut the cards accordingly. 
  3. Dealer must get last card or the hand will be considered a misdeal
  4. Dealer cannot flip any cards
  5. Dealer can NOT show bottom card before or while dealing. 
  6. 2 decks of cards will be used for each game.
  7. Players can NOT pick up their hand until the dealer is finished dealing.
  8. No spades + no face cards = Bad Luck (you still have to play)
  9. You must count your cards once the dealer is finished dealing. If you are missing a card at the end of the hand then you are set.



  1. Renege= Automatic set for that hand. (Renege a 2nd time and your team forfeits the tournament) 
  2. Reneges must be called as soon as its noticed. (Do NOT wait until the end of the hand.) 
  3. Must Notify staff when calling a renege  
  4. If calling a renege, you do not have to choose the specific book. You can flip all books over. However, if you are wrong then you lose 3 books. I
  5. Talking across the board = minus 3 books 
  6. Any team caught cheating will be disqualified
  7. No phones on table top. (No points are taken for this rule)
  8. No discussing current or future strategies
  9. Break any rule before you bid and you lose 30 points. Break any rule after you bid and you lose 3 books.


Decisions will be made the the facilitator of the tournament.